Part 16 of the WorkSafe BC Occupational Health & Safety Regulation, Mobile Equipment requires that Lift Truck Operator training meets the requirements of the CAN/CSA Standard B335-15, Industrial Lift Truck Operator Training and that Rough Terrain Forklift Operator training meets ANSI/ITSDF Standard B56.6, Safety Standard for Rough Terrain Forklift Trucks. WorkSafe BC has published a specific webpage on the training of Forklift Operators, which can be accessed here.
Aerial Lift Operator training must meet ANSI/SAIA Standard A92.22, Boom-Supported Elevating Work Platforms, and ANSI/SAIA Standard A92.24, Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms.
Part 11 of the WorkSafe BC Occupational Health & Safety Regulation, Fall Protection requires that a fall protection system is used when work is being done at a place from which a fall of 3 metres (10 feet) or more may occur, or where a fall from a height of less than 3 metres involves a risk of injury greater than the risk of injury from the impact on a flat surface, and that before a worker is allowed into an area where a risk of falling exists, the employer must ensure that the worker is instructed in the fall protection system for the area and the procedures to be followed.